
"Exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance."


Ongoing creativity...

  • Students can continue with a group or club that they are already involved in, inside or outside of school. They are encouraged to further extend or develop their participation as appropriate.

  • Examples: taking dance lessons, taking instrumental lessons, weekly art class or cooking class

School-based creativity...

  • Students can begin to participate in creativity opportunities that the school offers (aside from their DP classes.)

  • Example: join the art club, take the photography elective, cooking elective, work on the yearbook, work to improve school grounds

Community-based creativity...

  • Students can participate in creativity within the local community, growing student's passions, talents, interests and imagination.

  • Examples: join a community based theater group, contribute towards a community art gallery, create artwork for a local park, or take cooking classes

Individual creativity...

  • Students can engage in solitary creative experiences, over an extended duration of time. They should set personal goals and work towards those in a sustained manner. Risk assessment should be conducted beforehand if applicable.

  • Examples: compose music, develop a website, write a compilation of short fiction stories, design furniture, create arts and crafts, paint portraits