CAS Experiences

A "CAS Experience" is a specific event in which the student engages with one or more of the 3 CAS strands (creativity, activity, and/or service.)

It can be a single event or an extended series of events.

Students will participate in ongoing CAS experiences throughout their junior and senior years.

CAS experiences should:

--fit within one or more of the CAS strands

--be based on a personal interest, skill, talent, or opportunity for growth

--provide opportunities to develop the attributes of the IB learner profile

--not be used or included in the student's DP course requirements

--address a CAS learning outcome if possible

Using the CAS Stages:

For singular CAS experiences, students may begin with investigation, preparation or action phases.

For ongoing CAS experiences, students should begin with the investigation phase.

When considering a CAS experience, ask these questions...

Is it within the CAS strands?

Is there personal interest, skill, talent or opportunity for growth?

Does it develop IB learner profile traits?

Will the experience be enjoyable?

Does the experience allow for new possibilities and experiences?

What are the possible consequences for you, others and/or the environment?

Which CAS learner outcomes may be addressed?