Using CAS stages in Service
All forms of service should involve investigation, preparation, and action that meets an identified need.
Reflection on significant experiences throughout informs problem-solving and choices.
Demonstration allows for sharing of what has taken place.
Students participate in social analysis of a selected issue, with identification and confirmation of a community need, often with a designated community partner. Students can take an inventory that helps them identify their interests, talents, and areas for personal growth that can fit in with the found areas of need.
Students design a service plan appropriate to the identified need. Clarification should be made about roles, responsibilities, resource requirements, and timelines to implement the plan. Community partners should be consulted. Students acquire and develop the knowledge and skills needed for the experience. Students should conduct a risk assessment if applicable.
Students implement the plan through one or a combination of the 4 types of service. They make work individually, in partners, or in groups.
Students examine their thoughts, feelings and actions as applies to the context of self, community and the world. This happens at significant moments through the service experience.
Students make explicit what and how they learned and what they have accomplished. This can be done in their CAS portfolio or with others in an informal or formal manner.
Service learning proposal
This is a good document to use when considering a service opportunity.