CAS Interviews
Students will participate in 4 CAS interviews with the CAS coorinator (or CAS advisor) throughout their junior and senior years.
CAS interviews are important in the CAS process and serve as a means of...
checking and reinforcing student understanding of CAS
assisting students to consider whether they are enjoying CAS and maximizing the opportunities and possibilities of CAS
ensuring students know about available resources to support them in CAS
giving students an opportunity to reflect upon their CAS experiences to date
inviting students to show evidence of achieving CAS learning outcomes
allowing students to discuss CAS successes and ways of meeting challenges
reviewing and monitoring student progress.
CAS interview #1...September of junior year
During meeting #1, the CAS coordinator/advisor and student will...
gauge the student’s understanding of CAS
discuss the interests of the student
discuss the student’s plans for CAS experiences
review the learning outcomes of CAS, ensuring the student's understanding and seeing how the student might achieve these outcomes
ensure the student is aware of ways to gather evidence of CAS.

CAS interview #2...February of junior year
During meeting #2, the CAS coordinator/advisor and student will...
discuss advancements in the student’s engagement with CAS
discuss the student’s progress towards fulfilling CAS requirements, including the plan for completing the CAS project
discuss collection of CAS evidence
have opportunity to verbally reflect on student's CAS involvement.
CAS interview #3...September of senior year
Meeting #3 is a time to check in and is similar to meeting #2. During meeting #3, the CAS coordinator/advisor and student will...
discuss advancements in the student’s engagement with CAS
discuss the student’s progress towards fulfilling CAS requirements
discuss collection of CAS evidence
have opportunity to verbally reflect on student's CAS involvement.
Final CAS interview...March/April of senior year
Meeting #4 is the summative interview of the student's CAS experience. During this final meeting, the student will...
outline how they have achieved the CAS learning outcomes
share their CAS portfolio
discuss their overall CAS program, including reflections on personal growth